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Band Boosters



President- Mike Foster
Vice President- Christi Gibbs

SecretaryAndrea Cook
TreasurerBecky Sandring

Who Are the Band Boosters?

The Band Boosters are Blue Springs 
South High School parents who are 
committed to helping the band succeed.

They work behind the scene to help the

students with everything from meals

at competitions to props on the field.

The Boosters are one big family who work

together to help the students succeed

and do their best. 


If your student is in band, you are 
automatically a band booster.  Attending 
the meetings and volunteering your time 
helps keep you informed and helps the 
band be able to achieve success.

Each event takes many volunteers. If you 
are interested in volunteering or in being an Officer,

please let us know.

Committee Chairs


Fundraising/Donations- Andrea Cook
Merchandising- Belinda Johnson/Sonya Patterson
Hydration Team Lead-  Sonya Patterson
Performance Food- Kevin & Geri Norman
Guard Liaison- Elizabeth Keune
Uniforms - Sonja Johnson

Field Crew - Ralph Corse

Transportation- Ken Hansen
Webmaster - Social Media - Sonya Patterson

Sponsorships - Eric Johnson

Parent Meetings

When: 4th Monday of each month 
(except holidays)
Time:  7:00 PM
Where: BS South HS Band Room
Who: All band parents

For a successful band season, many volunteers are needed to 
ensure the kids have what they need to perform. No experience is necessary!




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